Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Storm Passes...

Just a few words tonight.  We're newly home.  I miss Canada more than I'd have thought.  It is POURING RAIN, but the wind seems to be less than the howling gale the weatherfolk had predicted.  In short, Hanna had her soggy way with us, but the creek is not in our house, praise God from whom all blessings flow.

Radar imagery shows the bit of wet stuff just to the south of us and roaring to the north.  My sympathies to my new friends 0n PEI.  Let's hope this nasty gal of a storm has gotten some therapy and decided not to trash all her relationships quite so much by the time it reaches you.

I did a great show on Friday, and I hope y'all will keep listening.  I'm going to sack out early tonight--gotta help Dr. Doolittle make some church music tomorrow.